The HSA received 285 entries from students from Grade 4 to Level III. Each participant was required to submit an original piece of artwork and an essay about their artwork.
Provincial Winner
Provincial Winner
Everyone's Role in Ending the War by Joshua Mack
Age: 14, Grade 9
Beaconsfield Junior High
6 regional winners received $50 prizes
1 overall winner received a $100 prize and will have their design featured on the spring 2016 Heritage Fair t-shirt.
“My stamp shows the services and sacrifices made by everyone in WWI. These services and sacrifices have definitely shaped our Canadian culture. It wasn’t just the men who fought who made sacrifices. The women also sacrificed their time for the war effort. Back home in Newfoundland, they created something called the Women’s Patriotic Association. This was a large group of women of all ages who knit socks to send to men who were away fighting. I also drew a little girl looking after a baby. Often while their mother’s were busy knitting socks for the war effort, young girls had to look after their younger siblings. A young boy chopping wood is also shown. While their fathers were away fighting, boys who were too young to fight had to take over the father’s jobs. The caribou monument I drew represents those brave men who sacrificed their lives for our country at Beaumont Hamel.”
Western Winner
1914 Sealing Disaster by Chloe Smith
Age: 12, Grade 7
Our Lady of Mercy Elementary
“My picture is exploring the boat disaster that happened in 1914. The SS Southern Cross was lost in a sea storm March 30th, 1914, coming home from the seal hunt. The disaster killed all 174 men aboard, and the same storm also saw 78 men lost from the ship SS Newfoundland. This is now known as the “1914 Sealing Disaster.” This boat was launched in 1886, and the owner was Carstens Borchgrevink. The builder was Colin Archer and he built the boat fairly large, at 146 feet, or 45 metres.”
Avalon Winner
Courage and Bravery by Serena Phillips
Age: 10, Grade 5
Cowan Heights Elementary
“I drew a picture of the Beaumont Hammel memorial in Bowering Park because this year is the 100th anniversary of the devastating loss of many Newfoundlanders. As they were leaving the trenches they had no idea that the enemies were waiting for them. It is my hope that when others view my design they will remember the bravery and courage of the soldiers.”
Burin Winner
Out and About by Jacob Ward
Age: 13, Grade 8
St. Anne's School
“The reason I drew my picture of a boat towing a house is because that’s what my grandparents and their mothers and fathers did one time when they were forced to move. During resettlement they had to pack up and take their houses with them because they couldn’t afford to build another house. They had to find a new spot that they could call home. Some people towed their houses for hours and hours, and some people didn’t have to move them very far. My mom’s family resettled from Clattice Harbour, while my dad’s family came from Darby’s Harbour. It was because of their service and sacrifice that I have a happy home here in South East Night.”
Central Winner
Modern Newfoundland Service by Emily Byrne
Age: 11, Grade 6
Helen Tulk Elementary
“My design is focused on the many service groups that take time away from their family to help the people and animals of Newfoundland and Labrador who need their services. Without them our community would not be the same!”
Labrador Winner
Service and Sacrifice by Kelsey Jacque
Age: 14, Grade 9
B. L. Morrison All Grade School
“In my drawing I came up with the idea by thinking about our province’s contribution to WWI and WWII. For World War I I instantly thought about Beaumont Hammel and how the soldiers lived in the wet, damp, murky trenches. I thought about the Newfoundland Regiment and remembered the pin they wore which lead to the drawing of the blue puttees, as Newfoundland had the only coloured puttees, well different coloured puttees. For WWII I tried to think about what I knew about Newfoundland’s contribution to the war. I thought of how WWII had nurses who went over, so I searched and found a picture. For the first aid, I again thought about the health care providers that went to war and decided to draw the kit. For the plane, I remembered that there were no planes in WWI, but they were used often in WWII so I decided to draw a fighter plane. This is how I came up with my drawing.”
Straits Winner
Sacrificing Our Future by Angel Dyson
Age: 10, Grade 5
Sacred Heart All Grade
“When the first European came to Labrador, the Inuit people taught them the way to survive in the cold northern land. They taught them how to use kayaks, snowshoes, dog teams with sleds, and how to hunt for caribou and seal. As time moved on, the European culture started to take over Inuit culture and, as a result, the Inuit people had to sacrifice their most precious resources – their children. This picture shows my family leaving Nain, my home. ”