23rd Manning Awards for Excellence
23rd Manning Awards for Excellence
HSA Chair John Butler served as the Master of Ceremonies
His Honour, The Honourable Frank F. Fagan is patron of the Manning Awards
His Honour brought greetings to begin the 23rd Manning Awards ceremony
The Honourable Seamus O'Regan, Minister of Veterans Affairs, brings greetings
The Manning Awards were established in memory of Bill Manning, former Parks Canada Superintendent and champion for community involvement in heritage preservation
HSA 1st Vice Chair, Ian Wallace, speaks about the English Harbour Arts Centre.
Kim Paddon, Director of the English Harbour Arts Association, accepts the Manning Award from Her Honour, Mrs. Patricia Fagan
Director Kim Paddon accepting the award on behalf of the English Harbour Arts Association
Director Kim Paddon accepting the award on behalf of the English Harbour Arts Association
The English Harbour Arts Association at the Government House reception with Their Honours
Crystal Braye, Board Member of the HSA, speaks about the Marystown Heritage Museum
His Honour presents the award to Marystown Heritage Museum Chair and Co-Chair, Albert Dober and Con Fitzpatrick
Albert Dober speaks on behalf of the Marystown Heritage Museum Corporation
Albert Dober speaks on behalf of the Marystown Heritage Museum Corporation
Marystown Heritage Museum Corporation and government representatives at the Government House reception with Their Honours
Sharon Outerbridge, HSA Emeritus member, describes St. Gabriel's Hall Event Centre in Marystown
Sharon Outerbridge, HSA Emeritus member, describes St. Gabriel's Hall Event Centre in Marystown
HSA Emeritus member Nancy Hickman, presents the Manning Award to John Baker, Chair of St. Gabriel's Hall Inc.
Chair John Baker accepts the award on behalf of St. Gabriel's Hall Inc.
Chair John Baker accepts the award on behalf of St. Gabriel's Hall Inc.
St. Gabriel's Hall Inc. and government representatives at the Government House reception with Their Honours
Edna Hall, Past Chair of the HSA, speaks about the Heart's Content Regional Centre for the Arts
Edna Hall, Past Chair of the HSA, speaks about the Heart's Content Regional Centre for the Arts
HSA Emeritus member, Alison Earle, presents the Manning Award to John Warren, President of the Mizzen Heritage Society
John Warren accepts the award as President of the Mizzen Heritage Society
John Warren accepts the award on behalf of the Mizzen Heritage Society
Members of the Mizzen Heritage Society at the Government House reception with Their Honours
HSA Board Member Dave Lough describes the Trails Tales Tunes Festival
HSA Board Member Dave Lough describes the Trails Tales Tunes Festival
Jeff Anderson accepts the award from Glenn Keough of Parks Canada, on behalf of the Trails Tales Tunes Festival Committee and festival founder Shirley Montague
Jeff Anderson accepts the award on behalf of the Trails Tales Tunes Festival Committee and festival founder Shirley Montague
MC John Butler talks about the work of his friend Leslie Noseworthy
Yvonne Manning, daughter of the late Bill Manning, presents the Manning Award to artist Leslie Noseworthy
Les Noseworthy accepts the award in recognition of his artwork which preserves the heritage of our province's lightstations
Les Noseworthy and his guests at the Government House reception with Their Honours
HSA Emeritus Member Joan Ritcey describes the 2018 Outstanding Heritage Supporter recipient Linda White
Joan Ritcey presents her longtime college Linda White with the Outstanding Heritage Supporter Award
Linda White accepting the 2018 Outstanding Heritage Supporter Award
Linda White and guests at the Government House reception with Their Honours
Dean of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dr. Jennifer Simpson, speaks about the 2018 Dr. Paul O'Neill Scholarship recipient Jacob Elyk
Jacob Elyk accepts the 2018 Dr. Paul O'Neill Scholarship
Scholarship recipient Jacob Elyk with his guests at the Government House reception with Their Honours
Margo Connors describes the Heritage and History Book Award and the work of her adjudication committee
The Honourable Edward Roberts speaks about "Towards an Encyclopedia of Local Knowledge", winner of the 2018 Heritage and History Book Award
The Honourable Edward Roberts speaks about "Towards an Encyclopedia of Local Knowledge", winner of the 2018 Heritage and History Book Award
The Honourable Edward Roberts presents the Heritage and History Book Award to author Pam Hall
Author Pam Hall accepting the Heritage and History Book Award
Author Pam Hall with the publishers of "Towards an Encyclopedia of Local Knowledge"
Author Pam Hall with her guests at the Government House reception with Their Honours