"A Blue Puttee at War": Book Launch
Flanker Press is launching a new book! A Blue Puttee at War: The Memoir of Captain Sydney Frost, MC, written by Sydney Frost and edited and annotated by HSA Director, Edward Roberts will be launched on Tuesday, November 18, at 7pm. It will take place at the Bally Haly Country Club at 100 Logy Bay Road in St. John’s.
The book will be available for purchase. The editor will talk about the book and give a short reading at the beginning of the event and then sign copies. There will be light refreshments and a cash bar.
Please RSVP by November 6 to 709-739-4477 ext. 24 (toll-free at 1-866-739-4420 ext. 24) or info@flankerpress.com.