2016 Heritage and History Book Awards

The Historic Sites Association of Newfoundland and Labrador (HSA) is proud to announce the 2016 recipients of the Heritage and History Book Awards.

2016 Winner for Fiction

Sara Tilley, Duke, Pedlar Press
For the factual historical and cultural detail cleverly infused into a sweeping, original story

A thoughtful literary work, incorporating the device of letters and journal entry excerpts and using different fonts to enhance the characters' thoughts and emotions, as it shifts back and forth in time. Duke's challenging but engaging narrative draws on historical events and culture, from the late 19th century to the mid-twentieth century, in the Yukon, Alaska and Elliston, Newfoundland. The characters and times are vividly drawn. Tilley is unafraid to tell a difficult story. Of interest to an international audience.
– HSA Heritage and History Book Awards Committee

2016 Winner for Children/ Young Adult Literature

Janet McNaughton, Dear Canada: Flame and Ashes: The Great Fire Diary of Triffie Winsor, Scholastic
For its imaginative recreation of the thoughts and world of a nineteenth century child and for its attention to historic accuracy.

An evocative diary account of living through the St. John’s Great Fire of 1891 and its aftermath from an eleven year old girl's perspective. Research is evident here with the descriptions of the types of housing, street layouts, people’s possessions and the options that were open to residents of various classes when they lost their homes. The poignant diary entries ring true as the thoughts of an intelligent child. The old photographs of St. John’s add to the reality of the story, which both children and adults will enjoy.”
– HSA Heritage and History Book Awards Committee

Sponsored by the HSA and administered by the Writers Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador (WANL), the award recognizes written works that exemplify excellence in the interpretation of the heritage and history of Newfoundland and Labrador. The two categories awarded this year were Fiction and Children/Young Adult Literature. In odd numbered years the awards recognizes Non-Fiction and Poetry.

The shortlist for the award is created by WANL and each title is then juried by the HSA’s Heritage and History Book Awards Committee which is made up of board and emeritus members of the association. This year’s committee members were: Joan Ritcey, LeeAnn Montgomery, Sharon Outerbridge, Margo Connors, Terry Bishop-Stirling, and Jeannie House.

2016 Fiction Shortlist:

  • Michael Crummey, Sweetland, Doubleday Canada

  • Gerald Doran, A Stroke in Time, Flanker Press

  • Trudy Morgan-Cole, A Sudden Sun, Breakwater Books

  • Nellie P. Stowbridge, Ghost of the Southern Cross, Flanker Press

  • Sara Tilley, Duke, Pedlar Press

2016 Children/ Young Adult Literature Shortlist:

  • Janet McNaughton, Flame and Ashes: The Great Fire Diary of Triffie Winsor, Scholastic Canada

  • Tom Dawe, An Old Man’s Winter Night: Ghostly Tales, Running the Goat

  • Andy Jones, Jack, the King of Ashes, Running the Goat